The key things I think should be known about GitHub Projects are that it:
was worth upgrading to GitHub Pro ($4/month) to get 4 extra workflow "automations" to auto-add repo issues from my active projects. Free tier users can only sync a single repo.
allows sorting on multiple fields (unlike e.g. Linear) and grouping (plus a similar mechanic it calls "slicing" where you see the full set of values) — as in languages like SQL
is congruent to test-driven development (TDD). For instance:
- An open Goal: "bug" issue designates a failing test.
- A Goal: "feat"-marked issue without an assignee can serve as a visual cue for unresolved tasks or design gaps.
structures your workspace from windows to workspaces to multi-workspace desktops, a Project collects disparate tasks under a single means of recording, providing a helpful orderliness.
has hidden power user features - for example it quietly maintains its own clipboard (!) and has other UI shortcuts like dragging from 'cell' corners (like in Microsoft Excel) that accelerate organising
encourages intentional design: "information wants to be free, not in your kanban"
- You can 'unit test' to ensure recorded items don't get overlooked, giving greater certainty, confidence, and ultimately greater ability to take control of many tasks